Žádné zbytečné vyjednávání a nekvalitní nabídky. S perspektivní nabídkou vás osloví takové společnosti, které respektují vaše platové ohodnocení a pracovní požadavky.
Zajímají vás, jaké možnosti aktuální trh nabízí? Pro takové případy je tady diskrétní profil.
Chcete vědět, jaká je vaše hodnota na pracovním trhu? Jednoduše to vyzkoušejte!
PERSONAL SUMMARY A capable, proven and self-motivated Electrical Supervisor who has extensive experience in carrying out the maintenance, trouble-shooting and installation of electrical components and systems. I'm a professional who is more than able to provide effective leadership to any electrical team. Able to bring up to the company fresh ideas, new perspectives, a diversity of experiences, and a dedication to accurately diagnosing electrical equipment failures. In my current role is primarily responsible for supervising several construction and electric install projects at the same time. My key strengths include, but are not limited to improving maintenance procedures, and providing the technical expertise needed to solve electrical instrumentation issues. Right now, I am looking for a suitable position with a company that appreciates and rewards excellence. Enthusiasm, dedication and hard work, I will bring these three things to your recently advertised. Supervisor position. In my opinion there is no magic formula to being a good supervisor, as I believe it really comes down to knowing what your employers goals are and then effectively using all available resources to achieve those aims. I have all the qualities needed to be a great supervisor and make a real success of your position. I always value my employers and respect the people I supervise. On a personal side, I have an approachable manner and am willing to listen to feedback and the views of others. I go out of my way to set a good example for other members of my team, and when needed to, criticize people in a constructive manner and never bully or belittle them.
PERSONAL SUMMARY A capable, proven and self-motivated Electrical Supervisor who has extensive experience in carrying out the maintenance, trouble-shooting and installation of electrical components and systems. I'm a professional who is more than able to provide effective leadership to any electrical team. Able to bring up to the company fresh ideas, new perspectives, a diversity of experiences, and a dedication to accurately diagnosing electrical equipment failures. In my current role is primarily responsible for supervising several construction and electric install projects at the same time. My key strengths include, but are not limited to improving maintenance procedures, and providing the technical expertise needed to solve electrical instrumentation issues. Right now, I am looking for a suitable position with a company that appreciates and rewards excellence. Enthusiasm, dedication and hard work, I will bring these three things to your recently advertised. Supervisor position. In my opinion there is no magic formula to being a good supervisor, as I believe it really comes down to knowing what your employers goals are and then effectively using all available resources to achieve those aims. I have all the qualities needed to be a great supervisor and make a real success of your position. I always value my employers and respect the people I supervise. On a personal side, I have an approachable manner and am willing to listen to feedback and the views of others. I go out of my way to set a good example for other members of my team, and when needed to, criticize people in a constructive manner and never bully or belittle them.
PLC4 roky
IT5 let
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Na rovinu nám řekněte, jaký plat si představujete. Ve druhém kroku uveďte 3–5 technologií nebo znalostí, ve kterých jste specialisté. Pak už jen stačí nahrát svůj životopis a připsat 2 nebo 3 krátké věty o tom, co byste chtěli v budoucnu dělat a co byste se chtěli naučit. Čím víc informací o sobě vyplníte, tím lépe. A všechno zvládnete během chvilky.
Jste zaměstnaní, ale i tak vás zajímají nabídky z jiných firem? Při tvorbě profilu zaškrtněte diskrétní režim a rozhodněte se, zda-li chcete nahrát fotografii. Následně z příchozích nabídek schvalujete firmy, které mohou vidět váš životopis a kontaktní údaje. Vše záleží pouze na vás.
V tom, co děláte, jste experti, ale když jde o sebeprezentaci, trošku tápete? Rádi vám pomůžeme a poradíme i s finančním ohodnocením. Vyplňte, co zvládnete, nahrajte životopis a zbytek nechte na nás. Upravený profil vám pak pošleme na schválení.